Welcome to the Accord Network

A place to connect with like-minded organizations in pursuit of being the hands and feet of Christ around the world.

Accord Statement on Executive Order Reevaluating

and Realigning United States Foreign Aid

In response to the January 20th executive order on foreign aid, Accord invites all members into prayerful solidarity on finding a God-honoring way forward in partnering with the State Department. Please read our full statement by clicking the link here.

Upcoming Events

Spiritual Formation, Care & Metrics Summit

Phoenix, Arizona || February 18-20, 2025

Spring Executive Retreat

Charleston, South Carolina || March 4-6, 2025

ARA Spiritual Metrics Intensive

Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00am EST

How Our Members Help One Another

Accord members help each other reach their full potential by sharing knowledge, skills, and support one another. Our members have ready access to 140 organizations that collectively leverage over $5 billion of resources annually.


We Relate With Each Other
Accord help each other reach their full potential by operating in community—sharing knowledge, skills, and support with one another.


We Learn From Each Other
Members of our community are not limited to their own learning curve—they have ready access to the collective knowledge of their peers


We Speak With a United Voice
We work together to ensure that policy makers understand our perspective on issues that help us work effectively.


Job Board

One key element of Accord's focus on relationships is helping connect the right person to the right job. Check out these opportunities within our network and find where God is calling you next.


Principles And Standards

These principles were developed over a three-year period with 70 collaborators from all over the world. They endeavor to describe holistic Christian relief and development at its finest, and are meant to be an aspirational framework against which organizations can evaluate themselves.

Join the Accord Network Today

If your organization is ready to take its reach and connectedness to the next level, click the "Join Accord" button below to get your application process started. 

Subscribe To Our Email Updates

Your "Thursday Three" email gives you the latest news of interest and upcoming events. It focuses on the "sweet spot" where the Christian world meets the development and policy worlds.