Member Alliances / COPs
Accord Network members understand that we are stronger when we learn together and work together. To foster collaboration, Accord Network agencies have formed the following interest-based alliances:
Accord WASH Alliance
The Accord WASH Alliance is a collaboration of Accord members and other Christian professionals working in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene sector. The Alliance builds relationships and promotes excellence, with a particular focus on WASH in the context of integral mission.
The Accord Summit on Excellence in WASH serves as an anchor meeting for the alliance and is held each fall as part of OneAccord each fall. Throughout the remainder of the year, a Steering Committee and a number of standing Working Groups meet regularly.
Accord Research Alliance (ARA)
The Accord Research Alliance facilitates a learning community around measuring what matters in Christ-centered relief and development. The ARA recently launched The Accord Research Alliance Podcast as a way for members to share experiences, resources, and tools and facilitate the sharing of best practices. Subscribe to the podcast or listen on Soundcloud.
The ARA is led by a steering committee with contributing members from the following Accord Network member organizations:
Accord Executives
Accord Executives (CEOs) receive special communications from Accord Network about industry developments, red flags of potential problems on the horizon, and invitations to our annual Executive Retreat. The retreat provides a unique opportunity for leaders to bring their challenges before a confidential peer group for strategic advice and ongoing prayer.
New Partnerships Initiative
We’ve formed a cohort of members who seek to learn together about opportunities through USAID’s New Partnerships Initiative and advocate for the strength and longevity of this program.
Global Relief Alliance (GRA)
The Global Relief Alliance (GRA) is a confederacy of like-minded and complementary North American disaster preparedness and response implementing agencies. The alliance convenes by conference call as required and by annual meeting at Accord’s Developing Excellence Forum. Organizational relationships are maintained at the level of the disaster response directors. Member organizations elect to participate in collective relief, based on their focus and capacity.
GRA member organizations include:
Accord GIK Alliance
The Accord Gifts-In-Kind (GIK) Alliance focuses its efforts on strengthening the overall understanding of current trends in the GIK world and, where possible, bringing consistency to the work of its members. In 2009, the GIK Alliance consulted with key stakeholders throughout the industry and updated its GIK standards.