OneAccord 2023 Poster Exhibition - call for submissions Highlighting Excellence in the Promotion of Human Flourishing

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Spotlighting Excellence in the Promotion of Human Flourishing at OneAccord 23

"I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” These words of Jesus frame this year’s OneAccord theme around flourishing.  Accord is issuing a call for submissions for a Poster Exhibition on Flourishing.  We will spotlight, learn from, and discuss programs/projects that address the restoration of the Four Broken relationships:

  1. People and God
  2. People and others
  3. People and themselves and/or
  4. People and the natural environment

Scripture tells us that brokenness in our world is the result of sin and that we, as God’s agents of change, are tasked with reconciling our broken relationships through Christ. Accord members have been addressing poverty for decades through projects and programs designed specifically to reconcile the broken relationships in our world. We’d like to spotlight and learn from these best practices and so Accord is excited to announce a call for submissions for the OneAccord 2023 Poster Exhibition on Flourishing.   

Click here to view document. 


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